HATSUNE MIKU "Magical Mirai 2021"


HATSUNE MIKU "Magical Mirai 2021"

“魔法未來(MAGICAL MIRAI)”是由初音未來等虛擬歌手的3DCG演唱會和親身體驗創作樂趣的企劃展組成的活動。









節 目 資 訊

售票時間:2021.10.28(四)17:00 (GMT+8)

線上入場時間:2021.11.07(日)16:00 (GMT+8)

線上演出時間:2021.11.07(日)16:30 (GMT+8)


2021.11.08(一)17:00 至 2021.11.13(六)17:00 (GMT+8)

票       價:NT$750


主辦單位:Crypton Future Media, INC. & TOKYO MX



HATSUNE MIKU "Magical Mirai 2021"

“Magical Mirai” is combined event of 3DCG live concert of virtual singers such as Hatsune Miku, and an exhibition where you will be able to experience the creative culture surrounding Hatsune Miku.


Enjoy creating; seeing artworks; supporting creators; meeting friends who like the same character, artwork, creator; and learning about new technologies or collaborations, etc. By making Hatsune Miku and her friends a creative hub, we are hoping to make space for people to gather and have fun tied together with the keyword “creativity”.


Hatsune Miku will be joined by Kagamine Rin & Len, Megurine Luka, MEIKO, and KAITO at the event. This year will feature a 15th anniversary celebration of KAITO.


It will be the 9th year since Magical Mirai has started, this year's theme will be "Fairy Tale Fantasy" and the event will be held at two venues in Tokyo and Osaka! The final performance on November 7th (Sun.) will be streamed live.



Event Information

Launch Date:2021.10.28 (Thurs.) at 17:00 PM officially on sale. 

Event Entry Time:2021.11.07 (Sun.) 16:00 PM (GMT+8)
Event Start Time: 2021.11.07 (Sun.) 16:30 PM (GMT+8)

Replay Time:

Start Time : 2021.11.8 (Mon.) at 17:00 PM (GMT+8)  
End Time : 2021.11.13(Sat.) at 17:00 PM (GMT+8)  

Admission Fee: NT$750
Event Location: All Around The World – ONLINE concert @ KKTIX Virtual Venue

* The ATM virtual account payment method is only available from Taiwanese banks.
All overseas consumers have to use a credit card for payment. 

* This streaming on KKTIX is not available in Japan. Even if you purchased a ticket, you cannot watch it if you live in Japan.



您的KKTIX會員需完成"電子郵件地址驗證"才能進行購票流程,請至https://kktix.com/users/edit 確認是否您的電子郵件已經認證完畢。提醒您請勿使用Yahoo、Hotmail信箱註冊及驗證,以避免驗證信未能寄達。
  1. 本節目網站購票僅接受會員購買,購票前請先"加入會員"並需完成"電子郵件地址"驗證,以便進行購票流程,建議可於會員"設定"中的"報名預填資料"先行存檔「姓名」和「手機」,可減少購票時間快速進行下一步。
  2. 為了確保您的權益,強烈建議您,在註冊會員或是結帳時填寫的聯絡人電子郵件,盡量不要使用Yahoo或Hotmail郵件信箱,以免因為擋信、漏信,甚至被視為垃圾郵件而無法收到『訂單成立通知信』。
  3. 訂單成立通知信可能因其他因素未能寄達,僅提供交易通知之用,未收到訂單成立通知信不代表交易沒有成功,又或是刷卡付款失敗,請於付款期限之內再次嘗試刷卡(即便收到銀行的授權成功的簡訊或電子郵件),若訂單逾期取消,則表示訂單真的沒有成立,請再重新訂購。一旦無法確認於網站上的訂單是否交易成功,請至會員帳戶的"訂單"查詢您的消費資料,只要是成功的訂單,皆會顯示您所消費的票券明細,若查不到您所訂購的票券,表示交易並未成功,請重新訂票。
  4. KKTIX網站購票:
    • 加入會員,每位KKTIX會員限購1張
    • 付款方式:信用卡(VISA/MASTER/JCB)、ATM虛擬帳號
    • 為強化信用卡網路付款安全,KKTIX售票系統網站導入了更安全的信用卡 3D 驗證服務,會員購票時,將取得簡訊驗證碼,確保卡號確實為持卡人所有,以提供持卡人更安全的網路交易環境。信用卡3D驗證流程為何?
    • ATM虛擬帳號付款注意事項:僅限於台灣金融機構開戶所核發之提款卡並已開通「非約定帳戶轉帳」之功能,每筆訂單若超過$30,000無法選擇ATM虛擬帳號付款,請務必於期限內付款,逾期未付款訂單將會自動取消
    • KKTIX購票流程圖示說明請點我




  1. 本播出不支援在日本地區觀賞,如因所屬地區無法觀賞,恕不接受退票、退款。
  2. 本播出內容僅供持票者個人觀看,不可作為商業等其他用途。為保護著作權及持票者權益,請勿錄影、截圖或以未經主辦單位於本活動頁明確同意之方式,利用本播出內容。如有違反,行為人須自行承擔所生費用及法律責任。
  3. 如要進行流暢高畫質(FHD)串流,你的網路連線速度需達8 Mbps以上,且請勿使用VPN連線觀看。非KKTIX因素,例如消費者的設備、網路或VPN等狀況造成無法觀看,主辦單位及KKTIX概不負責,且恕不接受退票、退款。
  4. 觀看線上演唱會時,請務必提前上線測試連線確認是否正常,若是超過了開場時間,則僅能從上線時間點開始觀看演唱會。 
  5. 本活動票券售出恕不接受任何退票、退款
  6. 因手機裝置有機會出現有版本不相容狀況,KKTIX強烈建議使用電腦觀賞,請確保在播放期間可使用電腦+瀏覽器觀賞,若因無法使用電腦而無法觀賞請勿購票,購票後恕無法因此申請退票或退款。
  7. 購票前請詳閱注意事項,一旦購票成功視為同意上述所有活動注意事項。




  • 請在購買票券前請務必確保能夠觀賞此測試影片,才能在演出當天觀賞無虞。若無法順利觀看,請使用 Windows / Android 搭配 Chrome 瀏覽器或是 Mac / iPhone 搭配 Safari 瀏覽器。
  • 下表為本平台目前所支援裝置及環境,請於觀看前確認是否適用:
  • (此表將不定期更新,最終將依 線上活動 Q&A 第二點為主,請於播出前再次確認持有的觀看設備是否能觀看測試影片,以確保播出當天可觀賞無虞!)
  • iOS 15 作業系統的環境(Apple 行動裝置 + iOS 15 + Safari 或 Chrome)下無法觀看受數位版權管理(DRM)保護的播出內容,還請使用下表建議的環境組合觀看。
  • Apple 電腦 + Safari 15 的環境下無法觀看受數位版權管理(DRM)保護的播出內容,還請使用下表建議的環境組合觀看。
裝置類型 作業系統 / 版本 可使用的瀏覽器 / 版本
Chrome (最新版)、FireFox (85.1.3 或以上)
手機 / 平板 iOS
Safari (最新版)
Chrome (最新版)
  Windows 7
Chrome (最新版)、Firefox (最新版)
電腦(PC/Mac) Windows 8.1
Microsoft Edge (最新版)
  MacOS 10.12
Safari (至14)、Chrome (最新版)、Firefox (最新版)、Microsoft Edge (最新版)
  • 請注意:
    1. 每一張票券同一時間僅限一個裝置觀看,同一裝置也請勿重複開啟播放頁。
    2. 無痕視窗模式 (Incognito) 無法收看,請勿使用無痕模式。
    3. 無法直接由 KKTIX App 觀看,請使用瀏覽器 (如 Google Chrome, Apple Safari 等最新版瀏覽器) 觀看。
    4. 如要進行流暢的高畫質(FHD)串流,您的網路連線速度需達8 Mbps 以上。
    5. 請勿使用 VPN 連線觀看,使用 VPN 觀看恕無法保證觀看可行性與品質。
    6. 瀏覽器請確認允許網站儲存並讀取 Cookie 資料,且請勿使用任何硬體加速器及錄製軟體。
    7. 如使用手機裝置觀看未看到播放鍵,請將螢幕採橫向模式或是上下拖移播放器。
    8. 更多問題請詳閱 線上活動 Q&A / Live Streaming Q&A
  • 收看方式:請登入KKTIX網站,點選首頁左上角「我的票券/My Ticket」,進到活動「線上活動入口/ Entrance」,開放入場後,即可選擇欲使用的票券參與線上活動。或點擊本活動頁上方活動地點「KKTIX 虛擬場館」即可進入活動播放頁。



 Ticket Sales Information

Before you use KKTIX to purchase a ticket, please make sure your account has already completed the email verification. You can visit  https://kktix.com/users/edit  to see if your email address is verified. Please note to receive the email successfully, we suggest that please don't sign up with Hotmail or Yahoo mail.
  1. The event is only available for KKTIX members. Before you buy the ticket, please sign up and verify your email address. Besides, you can fill up your name and mobile number through Member's Settings in advance to speed up your purchasing process.
  2.  In order to sign up successfully and avoid missing the notification email, we suggest that when you sign up or fill up your email address, please use other emails except for Hotmail and Yahoo mail. 
  3. How to make sure my order is completed?
  • Check "My tickets" to confirm your order.
  • Whether your credit card authorization is successful or not, please check the order status on "My Tickets". 
  • The order confirmation email probably will not be received for some reason, but it's only for notice, so please check your order status on "My Tickets" if it’s successful.
  • Please re-purchase the ticket if you cannot find your order on “My Tickets.”
  1. How to purchase a ticket on KKTIX
  • Sign up, and each KKTIX member is only 1 ticket limited.
  • Payment method: Credit card(VISA/MASTER/JCB), ATM virtual account
  • The ATM virtual account payment method is only available from Taiwanese banks.
  • To strengthen credit card payment security, KKTIX applies 3D secure payment verification. Customers have to complete an additional verification step with the card issuer when paying.
  • ATM Virtual Account payment is only available for the cards issued by Taiwanese banks and it requires a non-designated account to transfer. Each transfer or remittance should not be exceeding NTD$30,000. 
  • Please complete the payment within the payment period, or the order will be canceled automatically.
  • For KKTIX Purchasing process, please Click Here

Livestream Notice:

  • Please make sure you can watch this test video before log in to live stream platform. If you have any issue with visiting the platform, please try Windows/Android with Chrome browser or Mac/iPhone with Safari browser.
  • The following list shows the devices and environments currently supported by the platform. Please make sure it is applicable before viewing:
  1. (This list will be updated from time to time, and ultimately will be based on the second point of the Live Streaming Q&A. Please reconfirm before the live stream whether the viewing device you have can watch the test video to ensure that you can watch it on the day of the broadcast!)
  2. The broadcast content protected by digital rights management (DRM) cannot be watched under the environment of the iOS 15 operating system (Apple mobile device + iOS 15 + Safari or Chrome). Please use the environment combination suggested in the table below to watch.
  3. Live stream content is protected by digital rights management (DRM) cannot be watched under the environment of Apple computer + Safari 15. Please use the environment combination suggested in the table below to watch.


Device Type Operating system / version Available browsers / versions
(Latest 5 versions)
Chrome(Latest version)
Firefox(85.1.3 or above)

Mobile Phone/Tablet

(11 to 14.8、15.1)
Safari (Latest version)
(13 to 14.8、15.1)
Chrome (Latest version)
  Windows 7
or above
Chrome (Latest version)、Firefox (Latest version)
PC/Mac Windows 8.1
or above
Microsoft Edge (Latest version)
  MacOS 10.12
or above
Safari (to 14)、Chrome (Latest version)、Firefox (Latest version)、Microsoft Edge (Latest version)



  1. Each account can purchase one ticket, and each ticket is only available for one device at the same time, and do not open the playback page repeatedly on the same device.
  2. Please be sure to test your connection is stable before the live stream begins. If it exceeds the opening time, you can only watch from the online time.
  3.  The Live stream cannot be watched by the Incognito.
  4.  It cannot be viewed directly by KKTIX App. Please use a browser (such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and other latest browsers) to watch.
  5.  For Full HD (FHD) streaming, your Internet connection speed must be above 8 Mbps.
  6. Don't use VPN services. The feasibility and quality of viewing live streams cannot be guaranteed when viewers use VPN online.
  7.  Please make sure the browser allows the website to store and read cookie data. Do not use any hardware accelerators and recording software.
  8.  If you don’t see the play button while using the mobile phone, please use the landscape mode on the screen or drag the player up and down.
  9. For more questions, please read the Live Streaming Q&A



票種 販售時間 售價
一般票 Online Ticket


2021/10/28 17:00(+0800) ~ 2021/11/13 15:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$750